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- /*
- ** $VER: Function.iex 37.0 (3.5.96)
- **
- ** © 1996 Simone Tellini
- **
- ** Feel free to adapt it to your own needs.
- **
- ** PROGRAMNAME: Function.iex
- **
- ** FUNCTION: Add functions to gadgets
- **
- ** $HISTORY:
- **
- ** 03 May 1996 : 37.0 : initial release
- */
- /// Includes
- #define INTUI_V36_NAMES_ONLY
- #include <exec/nodes.h> // exec
- #include <exec/lists.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <dos/dos.h> // dos
- #include <intuition/intuition.h> // intuition
- #include <rexx/storage.h> // rexx
- #include <rexx/errors.h>
- #include <libraries/reqtools.h> // libraries
- #include <clib/exec_protos.h> // protos
- #include <clib/dos_protos.h>
- #include <clib/reqtools_protos.h>
- #include <pragmas/exec_pragmas.h> // pragmas
- #include <pragmas/dos_pragmas.h>
- #include <pragmas/reqtools_pragmas.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include "DEV_IE:Expanders/defs.h"
- ///
- /// Prototypes
- /* we use a cut-down version of the ObjectInfo */
- struct MyInfo {
- struct Node Node;
- UWORD Kind;
- UBYTE Flags;
- UBYTE Pad;
- struct GadgetInfo *Gadget; /* gadget the function is linked to */
- APTR Function; /* function text */
- };
- static BOOL AddFunction( struct IE_Data *, struct GadgetInfo *, UWORD );
- static APTR EditFunction( STRPTR );
- static APTR FGetString( BPTR );
- static void FPutString( BPTR, STRPTR );
- static struct WindowInfo *GimmeWnd( ULONG *, struct IE_Data * );
- static __geta4 ULONG AddFuncRexxed( __A0 ULONG *, __A1 struct RexxMsg *, __A2 struct IE_Data *, __D0 ULONG );
- static __geta4 ULONG RemFuncRexxed( __A0 ULONG *, __A1 struct RexxMsg *, __A2 struct IE_Data *, __D0 ULONG );
- extern struct Library *ReqToolsBase;
- ///
- /// Data
- static TEXT Editor[256] = "C:Ed %s";
- ///
- /* Support routines */
- /// GimmeWnd
- struct WindowInfo *GimmeWnd( ULONG *Cnt, struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- struct WindowInfo *wnd;
- UWORD c;
- if( Cnt ) {
- if( *Cnt <= IE->num_win ) {
- wnd = (struct WindowInfo *)&IE->win_list;
- for( c = 0; c < *Cnt; c++ )
- wnd = wnd->wi_succ;
- return( wnd );
- }
- } else
- return( IE->win_info ); /* Active Window */
- return( NULL );
- }
- ///
- /// RemFuncRexxed
- __geta4 ULONG RemFuncRexxed( __A0 ULONG *ArgArray, __A1 struct RexxMsg *Msg, __A2 struct IE_Data *IE, __D0 ULONG ID )
- {
- struct GadgetInfo *gad;
- struct WindowInfo *wnd;
- ULONG cnt, i;
- /* Get the window pointer */
- if(!( wnd = GimmeWnd(( ULONG * )ArgArray[0], IE )))
- return( RC_ERROR );
- if( ArgArray[1] ) { /* gadget specified ? */
- cnt = *((ULONG *)ArgArray[1]);
- /* Gadget out of range? */
- if((!( wnd->wi_NumGads + wnd->wi_NumObjects )) || ( cnt > wnd->wi_NumGads + wnd->wi_NumObjects ))
- return( RC_WARN );
- /* Get gadget ptr */
- for( gad = wnd->wi_Gadgets.mlh_Head, i = 1; i < cnt; i++ )
- gad = gad->g_Node.ln_Succ;
- struct MyInfo *Info;
- /* Is there a function attached to it? */
- for( Info = wnd->wi_Gadgets.mlh_Head; Info->Node.ln_Succ; Info = Info->Node.ln_Succ )
- if(( Info->Kind == ID ) && ( Info->Gadget == gad )) {
- Remove(( struct Node * )Info );
- IE->win_info->wi_NumObjects -= 1;
- FreeVec( Info->Function );
- FreeMem( Info, sizeof( struct MyInfo ));
- break;
- }
- } else { /* let's remove every function... ;-) */
- struct MyInfo *Info;
- for( Info = wnd->wi_Gadgets.mlh_Head; Info->Node.ln_Succ; Info = Info->Node.ln_Succ )
- if( Info->Kind == ID ) {
- struct MyInfo *next;
- next = Info->Node.ln_Pred;
- Remove(( struct Node * )Info );
- IE->win_info->wi_NumObjects -= 1;
- FreeVec( Info->Function );
- FreeMem( Info, sizeof( struct MyInfo ));
- Info = next;
- }
- }
- return( RC_OK );
- }
- ///
- /// AddFuncRexxed
- __geta4 ULONG AddFuncRexxed( __A0 ULONG *ArgArray, __A1 struct RexxMsg *Msg, __A2 struct IE_Data *IE, __D0 ULONG ID )
- {
- struct GadgetInfo *gad;
- struct WindowInfo *wnd;
- ULONG cnt, i, ret;
- /* Get the window pointer */
- if(!( wnd = GimmeWnd(( ULONG * )ArgArray[0], IE )))
- return( RC_ERROR );
- if( ArgArray[1] ) { /* gadget specified ? */
- cnt = *((ULONG *)ArgArray[1]);
- /* Gadget out of range? */
- if((!( wnd->wi_NumGads + wnd->wi_NumObjects )) || ( cnt > wnd->wi_NumGads + wnd->wi_NumObjects ))
- return( RC_WARN );
- /* Get gadget ptr */
- for( gad = wnd->wi_Gadgets.mlh_Head, i = 1; i < cnt; i++ )
- gad = gad->g_Node.ln_Succ;
- ret = AddFunction( IE, gad, ID ) ? RC_OK : RC_FATAL;
- } else { /* let's take every active gadget... ;-) */
- ret = RC_OK;
- for( gad = wnd->wi_Gadgets.mlh_Head; gad->g_Node.ln_Succ; gad = gad->g_Node.ln_Succ )
- if(( gad->g_flags2 & G_ATTIVO ) && ( gad->g_Kind != ID ))
- if(!( AddFunction( IE, gad, ID ))) {
- ret = RC_FATAL;
- break;
- }
- }
- return( ret );
- }
- ///
- /// AddFunction
- BOOL AddFunction( struct IE_Data *IE, struct GadgetInfo *gad, UWORD ID )
- {
- BOOL ret = FALSE, old = FALSE;
- struct MyInfo *Info;
- TEXT Header[ 256 ];
- for( Info = IE->win_info->wi_Gadgets.mlh_Head; Info->Node.ln_Succ; Info = Info->Node.ln_Succ )
- if(( Info->Kind == ID ) && ( gad == Info->Gadget )) {
- old = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- if( old ) {
- STRPTR src, dest;
- src = Info->Function;
- dest = Header;
- while( *src == '\n' ) /* skip initial newlines */
- src++;
- while(( *src != '\0' ) && ( *src != '\n' ))
- *dest++ = *src++;
- *dest = '\0';
- } else {
- if( h = ( *IE->IEXFun->GetFirstLine )( Desc, "HEADER" ))
- strcpy( Header, h );
- else
- Header[0] = '\0';
- }
- if(( gad->g_Kind >= MIN_IEX_ID ) && (!( old ))) {
- ULONG tags[] = { RT_ReqPos, REQPOS_CENTERSCR, RT_Underscore, '_',
- RT_Screen, IE->ScreenData->Screen, TAG_DONE };
- if( rtEZRequestA( "Gadget kind unknown.\n"
- "Do you want to add a function to it?",
- "_Yes|_No", NULL,
- NULL, (struct TagItem *)tags )) {
- if(!( rtGetStringA( Header, 255, "Function.iex", NULL, (struct TagItem *)tags )))
- return( FALSE );
- } else
- return( FALSE );
- }
- if(!( old ))
- Info = AllocMem( sizeof( struct MyInfo ), MEMF_CLEAR );
- if( Info ) {
- Info->Kind = ID; /* DON'T FORGET!!! */
- ret = TRUE;
- TEXT file[16];
- sprintf( file, "T:%08lx.txt", gad );
- DeleteFile( file ); /* Make sure there's no file with this name */
- BPTR fh;
- if( fh = Open( file, MODE_NEWFILE )) {
- if( old ) {
- FPuts( fh, Info->Function );
- } else {
- struct Descriptor Dsc[] = {
- { 'g', gad->g_Label }
- };
- STRPTR body;
- /* Write an empty template for the function */
- ( *IE->IEXFun->WriteFormatted )( fh, Header, &Dsc[0] );
- if( body = ( *IE->IEXFun->GetFirstLine )( Desc, "BODY" ))
- ( *IE->IEXFun->WriteFormatted )( fh, body, &Dsc[0] );
- }
- Close( fh );
- APTR fun;
- if( fun = EditFunction( file )) {
- if( old )
- FreeVec( Info->Function );
- Info->Function = fun;
- if(!( old )) {
- Info->Gadget = gad;
- /* add our object to the list */
- AddTail((struct List *)&IE->win_info->wi_Gadgets, (struct Node *)Info );
- IE->win_info->wi_NumObjects += 1;
- }
- } else if(!( old ))
- FreeMem( Info, sizeof( struct MyInfo ));
- DeleteFile( file );
- }
- }
- return( ret );
- }
- ///
- /// EditFunction
- APTR EditFunction( STRPTR File )
- {
- TEXT command[ 512 ];
- APTR Function = NULL;
- sprintf( command, Editor, File );
- if( SystemTagList( command, NULL ) == 0 ) {
- BPTR lock;
- if( lock = Lock( File, ACCESS_READ )) {
- struct FileInfoBlock *fib;
- if( fib = AllocDosObject( DOS_FIB, NULL )) {
- Examine( lock, fib );
- if( fib->fib_Size ) {
- if( Function = AllocVec( fib->fib_Size + 1, MEMF_CLEAR )) {
- /* ^^^
- So we can be sure to have a NULL end
- */
- BPTR fh;
- if( fh = Open( File, MODE_OLDFILE )) {
- Read( fh, Function, fib->fib_Size );
- Close( fh );
- }
- }
- }
- FreeDosObject( DOS_FIB, fib );
- }
- UnLock( lock );
- }
- }
- return( Function );
- }
- ///
- /// I/O support functions
- APTR FGetString( BPTR File )
- {
- ULONG len;
- UBYTE *buf = NULL;
- FRead( File, &len, 4, 1 );
- if( buf = AllocVec( len, 0L )) {
- FRead( File, buf, len, 1 );
- buf[ len ] = '\0';
- if( len & 1 )
- FGetC( File );
- }
- return( buf );
- }
- void FPutString( BPTR File, STRPTR str )
- {
- ULONG len;
- len = strlen( str );
- FWrite( File, &len, 4, 1 );
- FWrite( File, str, len, 1 );
- if( len & 1 )
- FPutC( File, 0 );
- }
- ///
- /* Starting function */
- /// IEX_Mount
- __geta4 ULONG IEX_Mount( __A0 struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- BPTR DescFile;
- struct FileInfoBlock *fib;
- static UBYTE FileName[] = "PROGDIR:Expanders/Function.desc";
- struct ExCmdNode RexxCmd = { 0 };
- RexxCmd.Node.ln_Name = "ADDFUNCTION";
- RexxCmd.Template = "WINDOW/N/K,GADGET/N";
- RexxCmd.Routine = AddFuncRexxed;
- ( *IE->IEXFun->AddARexxCmd )( &RexxCmd );
- RexxCmd.Node.ln_Name = "REMOVEFUNCTION";
- RexxCmd.Routine = RemFuncRexxed;
- ( *IE->IEXFun->AddARexxCmd )( &RexxCmd );
- /* This part needs to be done just 1 time */
- Forbid(); /* we're going to write to a GLOBAL variable */
- if( Desc ) { /* already done this part? */
- Permit();
- return( IEX_OK );
- }
- LibBase->Resizable = FALSE;
- LibBase->Movable = FALSE;
- LibBase->HasItems = FALSE;
- LibBase->UseFonts = FALSE;
- LibBase->Node.ln_Name = "FUNCTION";
- GetVar( "IEditor/FunctionEd", Editor, 256, 0 );
- if( fib = AllocDosObject( DOS_FIB, NULL )) {
- if( DescFile = Lock( FileName, ACCESS_READ )) {
- Examine( DescFile, fib );
- UnLock( DescFile );
- if( Desc = AllocVec( fib->fib_Size, 0L )) {
- if( DescFile = Open( FileName, MODE_OLDFILE )) {
- Read( DescFile, Desc, fib->fib_Size );
- Close( DescFile );
- ( *IE->IEXFun->SplitLines )( Desc ); // VERY important!
- LibBase->Node.ln_Pri = 0;
- ret = IEX_OK;
- } else {
- FreeVec( Desc );
- Desc = NULL;
- }
- }
- }
- FreeDosObject( DOS_FIB, fib );
- }
- Permit();
- return( ret );
- }
- ///
- /* Edit functions */
- /// IEX_Add
- __geta4 BOOL IEX_Add( __D0 UWORD ID, __A0 struct IE_Data *IE, __D1 WORD x, __D2 WORD y, __D3 UWORD width, __D4 UWORD height )
- {
- struct GadgetInfo *gad;
- BOOL ret = TRUE;
- if( gad = ( *IE->Functions->GetGadget )())
- ret = AddFunction( IE, gad, ID );
- return( ret );
- }
- ///
- /// IEX_Remove
- __geta4 void IEX_Remove( __D0 UWORD ID, __A0 struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- struct MyInfo *Info;
- for( Info = IE->win_info->wi_Gadgets.mlh_Head; Info->Node.ln_Succ; Info = Info->Node.ln_Succ ) {
- if( Info->Kind == ID ) {
- BOOL rem = TRUE;
- struct GadgetInfo *gad;
- /* Has the gadget this function is linked to been removed? */
- for( gad = IE->win_info->wi_Gadgets.mlh_Head; gad->g_Node.ln_Succ; gad = gad->g_Node.ln_Succ )
- if( gad == Info->Gadget ) {
- rem = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- /* If so, remove also the function... */
- if( rem ) {
- struct MyInfo *next;
- next = Info->Node.ln_Pred;
- Remove(( struct Node * )Info );
- IE->win_info->wi_NumObjects -= 1;
- FreeVec( Info->Function );
- FreeMem( Info, sizeof( struct MyInfo ));
- Info = next;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ///
- /// IEX_Edit
- __geta4 BOOL IEX_Edit( __D0 UWORD ID, __A0 struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- return( FALSE );
- }
- ///
- /// IEX_Copy
- __geta4 BOOL IEX_Copy( __D0 UWORD ID, __A0 struct IE_Data *IE, __D1 WORD offx, __D2 WORD offy )
- {
- return( TRUE );
- }
- ///
- /// IEX_Make
- __geta4 struct Gadget *IEX_Make( __D0 UWORD ID, __A0 struct IE_Data *IE, __A1 struct Gadget *glist )
- {
- /* We don't need to make anything */
- return( glist );
- }
- ///
- /// IEX_Free
- __geta4 void IEX_Free( __D0 UWORD ID, __A0 struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- /* We've got nothing to free when the window is closed */
- }
- ///
- /// IEX_Refresh
- __geta4 void IEX_Refresh( __D0 UWORD ID, __A0 struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- /* Nothing to refresh */
- }
- ///
- /* I/O Functions */
- /// IEX_Save
- __geta4 void IEX_Save( __D0 UWORD ID, __A0 struct IE_Data *IE, __D1 BPTR File )
- {
- struct MyInfo *Info;
- for( Info = IE->win_info->wi_Gadgets.mlh_Head; Info->Node.ln_Succ; Info = Info->Node.ln_Succ )
- if(( Info->Kind == ID ) && (( Info->Gadget->g_flags2 & G_ATTIVO ) || ( Info->Flags & G_ATTIVO ))) {
- /* ^^ if the gadget this func is linked to is active
- if this is active (= when saving all the GUI) ^^ */
- UWORD num;
- struct GadgetInfo *gad;
- num = 0;
- gad = IE->win_info->wi_Gadgets.mlh_Head;
- while( gad != Info->Gadget ) {
- gad = gad->g_Node.ln_Succ;
- num++;
- }
- FWrite( File, &num, 2, 1 );
- FPutString( File, Info->Function );
- }
- }
- ///
- /// IEX_Load
- __geta4 BOOL IEX_Load( __D0 UWORD ID, __A0 struct IE_Data *IE, __D1 BPTR File, __D2 UWORD Num )
- {
- struct MyInfo *Info;
- struct GadgetInfo *gad;
- UWORD cnt, num, i;
- for( cnt = 0; cnt < Num; cnt++ ) {
- if( Info = AllocMem( sizeof( struct MyInfo ), MEMF_CLEAR )) {
- Info->Kind = ID; /* VERY important!!! */
- FRead( File, &num, 2, 1 );
- gad = (struct GadgetInfo *)&IE->win_info->wi_Gadgets.mlh_Head;
- for( i = 0; i <= num; i++ )
- gad = gad->g_Node.ln_Succ;
- Info->Gadget = gad;
- if( Info->Function = FGetString( File ))
- AddTail(( struct List * )&IE->win_info->wi_Gadgets, ( struct Node * )Info );
- else {
- FreeMem( Info, sizeof( struct MyInfo ));
- return( FALSE );
- }
- } else
- return( FALSE );
- }
- return( TRUE );
- }
- ///
- /* Source related functions */
- /// IEX_StartSrcGen
- __geta4 STRPTR IEX_StartSrcGen( __D0 UWORD ID, __A0 struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- return( NULL );
- }
- ///
- /// IEX_WriteGlobals
- __geta4 void IEX_WriteGlobals( __D0 UWORD ID, __A0 struct GenFiles *Files, __A1 struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- }
- ///
- /// IEX_WriteSetup
- __geta4 void IEX_WriteSetup( __D0 UWORD ID, __A0 struct GenFiles *Files, __A1 struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- }
- ///
- /// IEX_WriteCloseDown
- __geta4 void IEX_WriteCloseDown( __D0 UWORD ID, __A0 struct GenFiles *Files, __A1 struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- }
- ///
- /// IEX_WriteHeaders
- __geta4 void IEX_WriteHeaders( __D0 UWORD ID, __A0 struct GenFiles *Files, __A1 struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- struct MyInfo *Info;
- struct WindowInfo *wnd;
- for( wnd = IE->win_list.mlh_Head; wnd->wi_succ; wnd = wnd->wi_succ )
- if( wnd->wi_NumObjects )
- for( Info = wnd->wi_Gadgets.mlh_Head; Info->Node.ln_Succ; Info = Info->Node.ln_Succ )
- if( Info->Kind == ID )
- FPuts( Files->Std, Info->Function );
- }
- ///
- /// IEX_WriteRender
- __geta4 void IEX_WriteRender( __D0 UWORD ID, __A0 struct GenFiles *Files, __A1 struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- }
- ///
- /// IEX_GetIDCMP
- __geta4 ULONG IEX_GetIDCMP( __D0 UWORD ID, __D1 ULONG idcmp, __A0 struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- return( idcmp );
- }
- ///
- /// IEX_WriteData
- __geta4 void IEX_WriteData( __D0 UWORD ID, __A0 struct GenFiles *Files, __A1 struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- }
- ///
- /// IEX_WriteChipData
- __geta4 void IEX_WriteChipData( __D0 UWORD ID, __A0 struct GenFiles *Files, __A1 struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- }
- ///
- /// IEX_WriteOpenWnd
- __geta4 void IEX_WriteOpenWnd( __D0 UWORD ID, __A0 struct GenFiles *Files, __A1 struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- }
- ///
- /// IEX_WriteCloseWnd
- __geta4 void IEX_WriteCloseWnd( __D0 UWORD ID, __A0 struct GenFiles *Files, __A1 struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- }
- ///